Publications, 1990-Present
Zahn-Waxler, C., Kochanska, G., Krupnick, J.,& McKnew, D. (1990).
Patterns of guilt in children of depressed and well mothers. Developmental Psychology, Special Section "Processes of Development in Offspring of Mothers with Psychopathology". 26, 51-59.
Kuczynski, L. & Kochanska, G. (1990).
Development of children's noncompliance strategies from toddlerhood to age 5. Developmental Psychology, 26, 398-408.
Kochanska, G. (1990).
Maternal beliefs as long-term predictors of mother-child interaction and report. Child Development, 61, 1934-1943.
Zahn-Waxler, C., & Kochanska, G. (1990).
The origins of guilt. In R. A. Thompson (Ed.), The 36th annual Nebraska symposium on motivation: Socioemotional development (pp. 183-257). R. A. Dienstbier (Series Ed.). Lincoln University of Nebraska Press.
Kochanska, G. (1991).
Patterns of inhibition to the unfamiliar in children of normal and affectively ill mothers. Child Development, 62, 250-263.
Kochanska, G., & Kuczynski, L. (1991).
Maternal autonomy granting: Predictors of normal and depressed mothers' compliance with the requests of 5-year-olds. Child Development, 62, 1449-1459.
Kochanska, G. (1991).
Socialization and temperament in the development of guilt and conscience. Child Development, 62, 1379-1392.
Kochanska, G., & Radke-Yarrow, M. (1992).
Inhibition in toddlerhood and the dynamics of the child's interaction with an unfamiliar peer at age five. Child Development, 63, 325-335.
Kochanska, G. (1992).
Children's interpersonal influence with mothers and peers. Developmental Psychology, 28, 491-499.
Kochanska, G. (1993).
Toward a synthesis of parental socialization and child temperament in early development of conscience. Child Development, 64, 325-347.
Kochanska, G., DeVet, K., Goldman, M., Murray, K., & Putnam, S. P.
Maternal reports of conscience development and temperament in young children. Child Development, 65, 852- 868.
Kochanska, G. (1994).
Beyond cognition: Expanding the search for the early roots of internalization and conscience. Developmental Psychology, 30, 20-22.
Kuczynski, L., & Kochanska, G. (1995).
Function and content of maternal demands: Developmental significance of early demands for competent action. Child Development, 66, 616- 628.
Kochanska, G., & Aksan, N. (1995).
Mother-child mutually positive affect, the quality of child compliance to requests and prohibitions, and maternal control as correlates of early internalization. Child Development, 66, 236-254.
Kochanska, G., Casey, R. J., & Fukumoto, A. (1995).
Toddlers' sensitivity to standard violations. Child Development, 66, 643-656.
Kochanska, G. (1995).
Children's temperament, mothers' discipline, and security of attachment: Multiple pathways to emerging internalization. Child Development, 66, 597-615.
Kochanska, G., Murray, K., Jacques, T., Koenig, A. L., & Vandegeest, K. (1996).
Inhibitory control in young children and its role in emerging internalization. Child Development, 67, 490-507.
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., & Koenig, A. L. (1995).
A longitudinal study of the roots of preschoolers' conscience: Committed compliance and emerging internalization. Child Development, 66, 1752-1769.
Kochanska, G., Padavich, D. L., & Koenig, A. L. (1996).
Children's narratives about hypothetical moral dilemmas and objective measures of their conscience: Mutual relations and socialization antecedents. Child Development, 67, 1420-1436.
Kochanska, G. (1997).
Mutually responsive orientation between mothers and their young children: Implications for early socialization. Child Development, 67, 94-112.
Kochanska, G. (1997).
Multiple pathways to conscience for children with different temperaments: From toddlerhood to age five. Developmental Psychology, 33, 228-240.
Kochanska, G., Clark, L. A., & Goldman, M. S. (1997).
Implications of mothers' personality for their parenting and their young children's developmental outcomes. Journal of Personality, 65, 387-420.
Kochanska, G., Murray, K., & Coy, K. C. (1997).
Inhibitory control as a contributor to conscience in childhood: From toddler to early school age. Child Development, 68, 263-277.
Kochanska, G., & Thompson, R. A. (1997).
The emergence and development of conscience in toddlerhood and early childhood. In J. E. Grusec, & L. Kuczynski (Eds.), Parenting and children's internalization of values: A handbook of contemporary theory (53-77). New York: Wiley.
Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C., Tjebkes, T. L., & Husarek,
S. J. (1998).
Individual differences in emotionality in infancy. Child Development, 69, 375-390.
Kochanska, G., Tjebkes, T. L., & Forman, D. R. (1998).
Children's emerging regulation of conduct: Restraint, compliance, and internalization from infancy to the second year. Child Development, 69, 1378-1389.
Kochanska, G. (1998).
Mother-child relationship, child fearfulness, and emerging attachment: A short-term longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 34, 480-490.
Kochanska, G., Forman, G., & Coy, K.C. (1999).
Implications of the mother-child relationship in infancy for socialization in the second year of life. Infant Behavior and Development, 22, 249-265.
Kochanska, G., Murray, K.T., & Harlan, E. (2000).
Effortful control in early childhood: Continuity and change, antecedents, and implications for social development. Developmental Psychology, 36, 220-232.
Kochanska, G., & Murray, K.T. (2000).
Mother-child mutually responsive orientation and conscience development: From toddler to early school age. Child Development, 71, 417-431.
Clark, L.A., Kochanska, G., & Ready, R. (2000).
Mothers' personality and its interaction with child temperament as predictors of parenting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79,
Smetana, J.G., Kochanska, G., & Chuang, S. (2000).
Mothers' conceptions of everyday rules for young toddlers: A longitudinal investigation. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 46, 391-416.
Fowles, D. C., Kochanska, G., & Murray, K. (2000).
Electrodermal activity and temperament in preschool children. Psychophysiology, 37, 777-787.
Fowles, D.C., & Kochanska, G. (2000).
Multiple pathways to conscience in children with different temperaments: Extension to psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 37, 788-795.
Kochanska, G. (2001).
Emotional development in children with different attachment histories:
The first three years. Child
Development, 72, 474-490.
Forman, D.R., & Kochanska, G. (2001).
Viewing imitation as child responsiveness: A link between teaching and
discipline contexts of socialization. Developmental Psychology, 37, 198-206.
Kochanska, G., Coy, K.C., & Murray, K.T. (2001).
The development of self-regulation in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72, 1091-1111.
Murray, K.T., & Kochanska, G. (2002).
Effortful control: Relation to externalizing and internalizing behaviors and factor structure. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30, 503-514.
Kochanska, G., Gross, J.N., Lin, M-H., & Nichols, K.E. (2002).
Guilt in young children: Development, determinants, and relations with a broader system of standards. Child Development, 73, 461-482.
Kochanska, G., & Coy, K. C. (2002).
Child emotionality and maternal responsiveness as predictors of
reunion behaviors in the Strange Situation: Links mediated and unmediated by
separation distress. Child Development, 73, 228-240.
Kochanska, G. (2002).
Committed compliance, moral self, and internalization: A mediational model. Developmental Psychology, 38, 339-351.
Kochanska, G. (2002).
Mutually responsive orientation between mothers and their young children: A context for the early development of conscience. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 191-195. Reprinted in the Current Directions Reader
Kochanska, G., & Knaack, A. (2003).
Effortful control as a personality characteristic of young children: Antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Personality, 71, 1087-1112, a special issue on personality development.
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., & Nichols, K. E. (2003).
Maternal power assertion in discipline and moral discourse contexts: Commonalities, Differences, and implications for children's moral conduct and cognition.
Developmental Psychology, 39, 949-963.
Kochanska, G., Friesenborg, A. E., Lange, L. A., & Martel, M. M. (2004).
The parents' personality and the infants' temperament as contributors to their emerging relationship. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86, 744-759.
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., Knaack, A., & Rhines, H. M. (2004).
Maternal parenting and children's conscience: Early security as moderator. Child Development,75, 1229-1242.
Kochanska, G. & Aksan, N. (2004).
Conscience in childhood: Past, present, and future. Invited article for the 50th anniversary issue of Merrill Palmer Quarterly, 50, 299-310.
Aksan, N. & Kochanska, G. (2004).
Heterogeneity of joy in infancy. Infancy, 6, 79-94.
Forman, D. R., Aksan, N., &
Kochanska, G. (2004).
Toddlers' responsive imitation predicts preschool conscience.
Psychological Science, 15, 699-704.
Aksan, N. & Kochanska, G. (2004).
Links between systems of inhibition from infancy to preschool years.
Child Development, 75, 1477-1490.
Kochanska, G. & Aksan, N. (2004).
Development of mutual responsiveness between parents and their young
children. Child Development, 75, 1657-1676.
Kochanska, G., Forman, D. R., Aksan, N., & Dunbar, S. B. (2005).
Pathways to conscience: Early mother-child mutually responsive
orientation and children's moral emotion, conduct, and cognition. Journal of
Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46, 19-34.
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., & Carlson, J. J. (2005).
Temperament, relationships, and young children's receptive cooperation with their parents. Developmental Psychology, 41, 648-660.
Aksan, N., & Kochanska, G. (2005).
Conscience in childhood: Old questions, new answers. Developmental Psychology, 41, 506-516.
Aksan, N., Kochanska, G., & Ortmann, M.R. (2006).
Mutually responsive orientation between parents and their young
children: Toward methodological advances in the science of relationships.
Developmental Psychology, 42, 833-848.
Kochanska, G. & Aksan, N. (2006).
Children’s conscience and self-regulation. Journal of Personality, 74, 1587-1617.
Anderson, S. W., Aksan, N., Kochanska, G., Damasio, H., Wisnowski, J., & Afifi, A.
The earliest expression of focal damage to human prefrontal cortex.Cortex, 6, 667-816
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N. & Joy, M. E. (2007).
Children's fearfulness as a moderator of parenting in early socialization: Two longitudinal studies. Developmental Psychology, 43, 222-237.
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., Penney, S. J., & Boldt, L. J. (2007).
Parental personality as an inner resource that moderates the impact of ecological adversity on parenting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 136-150.
Kochanska, G., & Aksan, N. (2007).
Conscience in childhood: Past, present, and future. In G. W. Ladd
(Ed.), Appraising the human developmental sciences: Essays in honor of
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (pp. 238-249). Detroit:
Wayne State University
Kochanska, G., Aksan, A., Penney, S. J., & Doobay,
A. F. (2007).
Early positive emotionality as a heterogeneous trait: Implications for children's self-regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93, 1054-1066
Kochanska, G., Aksan, N., Prisco, T. R., &
Adams, E. E. (2008).
Mother-child and father-child mutually responsive orientation in the first two years and children's outcomes at preschool age: Mechanisms of influence. Child Development, 79, 30-44.
G., Barry, R.A., Aksan, N., & Boldt, L. J. (2008).
A developmental model of maternal and child contributions to disruptive conduct: The first six years. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 1220–1227.
Barry, R. A., Kochanska, G.,
& Philibert,
R. A. (2008).
G x E interactions in the organization of attachment: Mothers' responsiveness as a moderator of children’s genotypes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49, 1313-1320.
Kochanska, G., Barry, R. A., Stellern, S. A., & O¿Bleness, J. J. (2009).
Early attachment organization moderates the parent-child mutually coercive pathway to children's antisocial conduct . Child Development, 80, 1297-1309.
Kochanska, G., Barry, R. A., Jimenez, N. B., Hollatz, A. L., & Woodard, J. (2009).
Guilt and effortful control: Two mechanisms that prevent disruptive developmental trajectories. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97, 322-333.
Kochanska, G., Philibert, R. A., & Barry, R. A. (2009).
Interplay of genes and early mother-child relationship in the development of self-regulation from toddler to preschool age. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1331-1338.
Barry, R.A. & Kochanska, G. (2010).
A longitudinal investigation of affective environment in families with young children: From infancy to early school age. Emotion, 10, 237-249.
Kochanska, G., Woodard, J., Kim, S., Koenig, J. L., Yoon, J. E., & Barry, R. A. (2010).
Positive socialization mechanisms in secure and insecure parent-child dyads: Two longitudinal studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51, 998-1009.
Kochanska, G., Koenig, J. L., Barry, R.A., Kim, S., & Yoon, J. E. (2010).
Children's conscience during toddler and preschool years, moral self, and a competent, adaptive developmental trajectory. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1320-1332.
Koenig, J. L., Barry, R. A., & Kochanska, G. (2010).
Rearing difficult children: Parents' personality and children's proneness to anger as predictors of future parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice,
10, 258 - 273.
Kochanska, G., Kim, S., Barry, R. A., & Philibert, R. A. (2011).
Children's genotypes interact with maternal responsive care in predicting children's competence: Diathesis-stress or differential susceptibility? Development and Psychopathology, 23, 605-616.
Kim, S., & Kochanska, G. (In press).
Child temperament moderates effects of parent-child mutuality on self-regulation: A relationship-based path for emotionally negative infants. Child Development.
Kochanska, G., & Kim, S. (In press, Summer 2012).
Toward a new understanding of legacy of early attachments for future antisocial trajectories: Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Development and Psychopathology, special issue "Multi-level Approaches toward Understanding Antisocial Behavior: Current Research and Future Directions." D. Cicchetti & M. L. Burnette (Eds).
Kochanska, G., & Kim, S. (In press).
Early attachment organization with both parents and future behavior problems: From infancy to middle childhood. Child Development.